Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pre-K Self Portraits! 3/24/2010

Today was a really super day! Our goal for class today was to teach the students some words referring to parts of a person's face: face (faccia), nose (naso), mouth (bocca), eyes (occhi), and ears (orecchie). We divided into two groups this time. One of the groups had a book called The Girl in the Castle Inside the Museum. This group read the book together pointing out and trying to use the Italian word when they would see a nose or a mouth within the story. We also enjoyed using this book, but it is an introduction to museums, a theme we hope to develop further this semester. In the other group, we used a doll to illustrate the different parts of a face in Italian. This doll was also pretty special because she spoke Italian if one squeezes her hand! We thought it would be a interesting way for the kids to hear even more Italian. After reading the book or using the doll, the students in both groups were given a chance to make their own faces!
We gave them paper with varying shapes to be used as faces and then we let them each choose the number of noses, mouths, ears, and eyes that they wanted to glue to their paper faces! The kids really enjoyed creating weird faces. I saw one of the faces that the kids drew which had ears in five different places! We then ended the class with a song about the parts of a face set to the tune of Frere Jacques. I hope to you to
see their faces, and maybe even get to here their song!


  1. non ci sono commenti su questo post!!! che peccato mi e` piaciuto molto quello che avete fatto quel giorno!

  2. ed io aggiungo commenti. ho mandato l'indirizzo del blog al Sackler ...non sia mai che vedano le vostre opere d'arte e decidano di comprarle e di esporle nel loro museo ehhh!!
