For this week we introduced them to Italian numbers using their favorite Italian food - pizza! We started out the lesson in small groups by showing our students cards with different numbers of of various things and counting them. (One pineapple, 2 mushrooms, 3 oranges, 4 apples, and so on.) We then practiced a couple of times counting to ten in Italian together. After a bit of practice with the Italian numbers, we started playing our Italian

counting game. We divided the students into two small groups. For each round of the game, we asked for a student from each group. We would then say an Italian number and asked them to hold up the correct number of fingers. Whichever student guessed correctly won that round! We a

lso prepared, two large paper pizzas, one for each group. Whichever student won the Italian numbers game could glue toppings onto their group's pizza. For example, when Everett correctly held up three fingers he was able to glue three toppings onto his group's pizza. We then switched the game around by holding up fingers ourselves and asking the students to say how many fingers we were holding up in Italian. In the end, the allure of finishing their own pizza really got them going with their Italian numbers! We finished the lesson by getting together again and singing a numbers song to the melody of Frere Jacques. We hope you get to come by and see some of the pizzas that they made, because they sure do look delicious, at least to us!
A Dopo!
Julia, Giancarlo, Lam
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