Hi Parents!
Today Stacey, Jackie and I started to speak more Italian to the children. While they seemed confused at first, they eventually got the idea and seemed to understand all of our instructions in Italian. It’s amazing how quickly they’ve learned!
After our customary song, “La Bella Lavanderina”, we read the story of “The Girl in the Castle Inside the Museum” as a class. We read it in English but repeated all of the nouns in Italian (eg. “Once upon a time there was a girl-ragazza- who lived in a castle- castello- inside the museum- museo”). Many of the words were repeated multiple times, so by the end of the story the children had most of the basic vocabulary nailed down.
After the story, we introduced the parts of the face, using the front cover of the book in a simple “say and repeat” format. When we felt that the children had learned the words, we played a game of “Simon Says” in Italian (“Simone dice”). In this part of the lesson, there was absolutely no English, so the kids had to follow instructions (eg. “Simone dice tocca il tuo naso”- Simon says touch your nose) and remember the vocabulary that they had just learned. They did a great job!
Lastly, we drew self-portraits, with the kids again following our instructions in Italian. The teachers would say “Ora dessiniamo la bocca” (Now we’re going to draw the mouth), and all the kids would draw the mouth on their self-portrait. They managed to remember the vocabulary really well and follow all of the instructions. It’s great to see how much progress they’re making!
Teddy, Jackie and Stacey
L'intuito è fondamentale per imparare una lingua straniera, ma anche, a pensarci bene, per imparare la propria madrelingua da piccoli: partendo da pochissime parole base, per intuizione e associazione di idee si costruisce un patrimonio di vocaboli e strutture linguistiche che cresce a grande velocità.