Thursday, April 1, 2010

Claudie's Class 3/12

On March 12th we arrived at class to lots of smiling faces saying Ciao which was great to hear! As usual we began class with Giro Giro Tondo and then introduced the new topic for the day- animals! To learn the animals each student got their own animal mask. We then split into small groups to color the animal masks. Each animal had a specific color which corresponded to a book that we wrote for the kids. The book is similar to Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle. We had...

Drago Rosso (Red Dragon)
Orso Marrone (Brown Bear)
Leone Giallo (Yellow Lion)
Scimmia Blu (Blue Monkey)
Gatto Arancione (Orange Cat)
Rana Verde (Green Frog)
Maiale Rosa (Pink Pig)
Pecora Viola (Purple Sheep)
Cane Marrone (Brown Dog)
Mucca Nera (Black Cow)

After each student colored their mask we read the story while reviewing vocabulary for colors, numbers, and animals. The students did an excellent job remembering the colors and numbers and were excited to learn the names of the animals, especially the animal that they had the mask for! Each student got their own book to take home and color. After reading the book we got back into the big group and sang Old Mac Donald Had a Farm in Italian- Nella Vecchia Fattoria. After singing the verse "Nella Vecchia Fattoria E I E I O" we, the teachers, would say "ci sono" which means "there are" in Italian and then we would say one of the animals. The kids with that animal mask would come to the center and do an action or make a noise corresponding to their animal and then go sit back down. If you would like to hear this song in italian this is a good link: (it uses slightly different animals than we used and also we only used the verse Nella Vecchia Fattoria E I E I O...). The kids really loved this! Especially getting to act out their animal in the middle of the circle! We are so excited to continue teaching and are looking forward to our next lesson about the members of the family!

Brennan, Alex, Nick, and Alex


  1. voglio i commenti dei genitori!!! e delle maestre!!! la prossima volta che andate alla scuola voglio che l'osservatore del gruppo faccia delle domande alla maestra su quello che pensa di questo corso di italiano

  2. se volete mettere foto di Chloe e Lorenzo io da genitore vi do il consenso se no non si parte mai con le foto nelle classi di Ge P!
