Hello Again!
It's incredible how much the kids have learned in just a few Italian lessons. Our last lesson was mainly a review, and then we also taught them the diffe
rent members of the family. It was so much fun and we can't wait to go back next time!
As always, we started with "Giro Giro Tondo" and took some time to make sure the kids were pronouncing it all right. At this point they really have it do
wn to perfection! Then, we split up into smaller groups to read the Animal Book that we used last week. We read the book with them and as we went along quizzed them on how many animals were on the page and also which animal. This was a little trickier for them, but some students would help others and overall they did very well with it. Hopefully you all have seen the books that the kids have colored and brought home, but here's a look at one of the pages:

As you can see, there are three lions on this page! Translated, it means "We see 3 yellow lions that look at us." "Yellow lions, yellow lions, what do you see?"
After reading the book, we came back into the bigger group to introduce the members of the family. Using colorful flash cards (which we sent home mini-versions of), we introduced Family (famiglia), Mom (madre/mamma), Dad (padre/papà), Brother (fratello), Sister (sorella), Grandfather (nonno), and Grandmother (nonna). Here's a look at one of the cards:

To reinforce what they learned we wrote a song with actions that went along with it to the tune of "I'm a little teapot." The lyrics are as follows:
Siamo una famiglia, tutti qua.
Abbraccia la mamma, un bacio a papà.
Il fratello gioca calcio, la sorella balla.
Andiamo dal nonno e da nonna!
We are a family, all of us here.
Hug mom, give a kiss to dad
Brother plays soccer, sister dances
Let's go to grandpa and grandma's house.
I think the kids were definitely up to the challenge of learning a new song after knowing Giro Giro Tondo so well! Overall it was a great lesson.
A presto,
Alex, Brennan, Nick, and Alex
I am starting seeing colors finally!!!vedo colori e figure, ancora, ancora, ancora!!!