Friday, April 23, 2010

news form the Sackler

I will share this e-mail with the italian students and the parents of the children at G&P. Please, go see your child's artwork at the museum. You can tell your friends that your kid had his first big show at a museum when he was 6!!!

here the email:

Dear Patrizia and Cara,

We got the go-ahead from our deputy director to put together the display of the
Graham Parks students' self-portraits!

We'll be able to put together a display that will be up the weekend of May 15th.
The display will be in the space outside the entrance to the Sackler Lecture
Hall - there is a large bulletin board we can use, and we will set up an
additional table so there is space for all 58 art works and a description of
the project. be continued, but wanted to share this good news!


1 comment:

  1. per gli studenti di It96:
    abbiamo bisogno di alcuni volontari per scrivere una descrizione del progetto in inglese-italiano da attaccare vicino agli autoritratti dei bambini. cosi` che la gente che va al museo possa leggere e capirne il motivo. fateci sapere al piu` presto chi e` interessato
    a dopo
    Patrizia e Cara
